Swedish massage is the most commonly offered and best known type of massage. It was developed by a swedish physiotherapist, Heri Peter Ling at the university of Stockholm in 1812.
Swedish massage uses a firm but gentle pressure to improve the circulation, ease muscle aches and tension, improve flexibility and create relaxation by a variety of techniques specifically designed to relax muscles by applying pressure to them against deeper muscles and bones & rubbing in the direction as the flow of blood returns to the heart.
Let us check now benefits
1) It relaxes muscles
2) Improves circulation without increasing heart load
3) Increase the range of motion over the joints
4) It assists the recipient obtain a feeling of connectedness, a better awareness of their body
5) It relieves the pain and discomfort associated with muscle tension, fractures, sprains, sciatica.
6) It stimulates the skin and nervous system while at the same time relaxing the nerves
7) It helps to reduce physical and mental anxiety.
Swedish massage is one of the most popular massage therapies amongst numerous options. Certified and trained therapist will give you the bliss of this massage. Do let us know if you are taking time to schedule your swedish massage and comment on your experience!
Types of strokes in swedish massage:
In this article we will share some general strokes which are practiced by therapists.
This will help our readers to understand the overview of strokes / movements in swedish massage
The classical movements of swedish massage are
1) Effleurage- These are long flowing or gliding strokes, usually towards the heart. A stroking movement performed with the whole hand and palm meant to soothe the body. Palms are used separately or together to glide gently over the body and spread the massage oil, warm up the muscles and let the recipient become accustomed to the therapist’s touch.
2) Petrissage (Compression) – These are strokes that lift, roll or knead the tissue much like kneading dough increasing blood circulation into the area, helps unwind taut muscles and fascia and is deeply relaxing. This also includes kneading, knuckling, ironing, skin rolling and wringing. These pressure movements can be used on individual or complete groups.
3) Friction- These are localised movements performed in small circular or criss- cross direction with deep rubbing movement with a lot of pressure by thumb or fingertips. The strokes are to be effected over a small area of 2 inches to 6 inches below the surface of the skin into the deep muscles below. This soothes deeper areas in muscles made tight by exercises and everyday stress.
4) Tapotement- It consists of a series of movements, which strike the body; for example like tapping, hacking, flicking, beating, cupping and pounding.
5) Vibration-
Vibration in oscillatory movements that shake or vibrate the body. It is a tremendous motion over nerve pathways producing as the name implies a vibrant effect. Vibration is used to relax muscle groups. It can be best achieved by electrical vibrator massage machines.
The above are the 5 important strokes in swedish massage which makes it complete.